Gym Bag Essentials: The Ultimate Checklist

When packing your bag to go to the gym, there are some essential items you don’t want to forget. To avoid the potential for future mishaps, use the following guide as a checklist, and pack your bag in advance so you can always go prepared.

Gym Bag Essentials: The Ultimate Checklist | UK Lifestyle Blog

A gym bag

Okay, so this sounds obvious. How can you pack a bag if you don’t have one, to begin with? You don’t need anything too expensive; however, it needs to be big enough to pack your gym essentials. While you might not care about making a fashion statement, a carrier bag from your local supermarket just won’t make the grade.

A water bottle

Possibly the most essential (and life saving) piece of equipment you need. Going to the gym will exhaust you, and it is vital you keep yourself hydrated. There are many water bottles on the market, though you can always reuse a plastic bottle that you can refill when you need to. Not only can you drink plenty of water during exercise, but you can also give yourself an impromptu shower when you’re feeling hot and sweaty.

A sports bra

We advocated the use of a sports bra on this website, and with good reason. You need to be comfortable when exerting yourself, and you won’t sweat nearly as much when wearing one. Please note: for obvious reasons this item is for women only. Male readers will have to face difficult questions when caught with one of these in their gym bag!

Nutrition bars

An extensive workout will give you hunger pangs, so carry a few nutrition bars in your bag. Otherwise, you may  give in to temptation on your way home and buy something unhealthy that is going to undo all the hard work you put into your exercise routine.

Extra clothes

Whether you are going out straight after your gym session, or just heading home, a fresh pair of clothes will help you feel more comfortable. From a tank top to your socks, bring spare items that will do your body a favour after you have finished your workout.


Unless you plan on making very little effort during your workout, you are going to sweat! For your benefit, and for that of those around you, make sure you layer on deodorant before you get down to your exercise.

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An obvious option, but you should bring a couple of towels with you. One can be used to wipe your weary brow during exercise, and the other will be perfect after your shower. Many gyms allow you to rent a towel from them, but why should you pay money when you can just as easily bring your own.


A sweatband is a fashion accessory you don’t want to go without. Not only will a forehead sweatband keep the drops of sweat away from your eyes and body, but it will also keep your hair away from your eyes during those crucial moments of your workout. Buy a sweatband for your wrists as well, giving you the opportunity to wipe away any sweat without breaking your stride.


Whether you use your smartphone or an iPod, make sure you create a music playlist to help you get your blood pumping during the session. Remember to bring a pair of headphones with you, as your music tastes may not belong to everybody in the gym; at least I find that’s the case with my 90’s tunes, haha. Why not treat yourself to some Beats headphones?

Fitness tracker

To help you see how many calories you have lost during your session, a tracking device is a must. Your smartphone probably has an app that will do the job, but serious aficionados should consider buying one of these fitness trackers, which are some of the best currently on the market.

Training shoes

Invest in the right pair of shoes, and you will get the full benefit from your workout. You need to avoid blisters and cramping, so buy something that will give you the comfort you need. From using the running machine to lifting weights, you need something that will cushion your feet and leg joints.

Shower shoes

We can never have too many pairs of shoes, though we probably wouldn’t wear shower shoes anywhere else! No matter how clean the gym shower looks, there are hundreds of pairs of feet a day treading across the floor spreading bacteria. Your feet will thank you for the purchase.

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