• Things To Do At The Weekend With Your BFFs!

    Sometimes all you need is to be with your friends and do something fun. There’s something about the closest people in your life that can make you forget all about daily stresses and problems. They know how to put a smile on your face. It’s so important to schedule in time with your close friends.

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  • 5 Reasons I’m Giving Up Drinking Alcohol For 100 Days

    You’ve got me – this article might have been inspired during a raging hangover mid-week whilst I was hunched over my desk in my office during my lunch break trying to force some food down and remember exactly what happened the night before. We’ve all been there, and it sucks. This time though, the “I’m

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  • Things I’m Saving Up For (other Than a Hot Tub)

    It is certainly wise to save up any spare cash you have at the end of the month but what exactly are the rainy days that everyone talks about? I’ve recently been saving A LOT and tracking my milestones – it feels more achievable when I list out my goals, and it’s helpful for me

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  • 5 Things I Wish I Listened To After a Break Up

    If you’re going through a breakup or you’ve recently decided to get divorced, you may be experiencing a mixture of emotions. It’s understandable to feel anxious and scared, but help is at hand. Take these tips to help eliminate stress and remind you, it isn’t the end of the world – I just wish I listened

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  • Date Ideas Your Other Half (and You!) Will Love

    Date nights are so important no matter where you are in your relationship. If you’re in the early stages, you’ll be wanting to impress your new partner. If you’ve got a couple of years under your belt, romantic dates will help keep the fire burning. And if you’ve been together for longer than you can

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  • Let’s Talk About Positive Body Image NOW #WomanKind

    Do you feel often feel that women are kinder to others than they are to themselves? And feel that the relationship many women have with themselves could be stronger, talking about themselves in a way they wouldn’t talk about others – if so, then you are not alone. In fact, according to research conducted by the people at Weight Watchers UK, as

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  • Why I’m Dedicating More Time To Myself, And You Should Too!

    Time is so precious, and after some advice from my boss I’ve decided that I need to invest in more time for myself. This means sometimes saying ‘no’ to extra work, hiring someone when I need help (cleaner, accountant etc), as well as making time to disconnect.  Last May I bought my first property, meaning my life was consumed

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  • Five Ways To Cope After Losing A Loved One

    The loss of a loved one is a difficult time for everyone. The hole it creates in one’s life feels like it may be a new permanent fixture. Indeed, you may not ever be able to truly get over the absence of someone. It shouldn’t be a factor that puts your life on a permanent

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