• Why Do You Need Credit?

    There’s no doubt that we live in strange economic and financial times, with consumer debt now at a record high and households spending around £900 more on average than they receive in income. It’s therefore interesting to note that as the household debt level has increased, so too has the number of self-employed people in

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  • Top Tips For Running a Financially Successful Hotel

    It starts as a dream, develops into a reality, then one day can evolve into a nightmare. Despite being fulfilling, running a hotel can be tricky and stressful work. After all, the hospitality sector is big business, and recent figures released by the British Hospitality Association reveal that businesses face business rate hikes averaging 29%

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  • Dear Diary, How Are We Half Way Through 2017? 🌻🐚

    I’ve acclimatised to the fact that I’ll never reach the end of my ultimate to-do list, so I now break my tasks down in achievable chunks. This week I noticed that my so-called ‘achievable chunks’ are now multiple long daunting to-do lists. Seriously, how did this happen? I should really stop complaining because so many

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  • How To Quickly Get Your Garden Ready For The Summer

    With the warmer weather coming, many peoples focus moves outside and specifically how to maximise their garden in the summer months. With better weather and longer nights, the garden is the perfect place to entertain, play family games or just relax and unwind. Garden specialists Oeco Garden Rooms has over 10 years of experience creating

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